W.F.S.C. |
Here are a list of the Committees and their respective Chairman and Co-Chairman. Please contact them directly at the regular club meetings if you are interested in working on one of their many work parties. |
Joe Yurman Chairperson Frank Marsiglio Vice Chairperson |
Fish Stocking |
Chris Arch Chairperson 845-781-6555. Rich Krol Vice Chairperson |
Game |
George Rogero , Delegate. |
O.C. Federation |
Jim Martin Chairperson Herb Weinberger Vice Chairperson Ji |
Trap Range |
Paul Spitale, Range Chairperson |
Range—Rifle and Pistol |
Committees |
To contact us call:1-845-928-3477 |
Archery Range |
Kevin Wakeham Chairperson |
Clambake |
Al Avveduto Chairperson Michael Avveduto Vice Chairperson |
Posting |
Stephen Radakovits Chairperson |
Jr. Club |
Kevin Wakeham Chairperson. Stephen Radakovits Vice Chairperson |
Jr. Club |
Woodbury Field and Stream Club, Inc. |
Website Created By: Carl W. Abbio
Membership |
Carl W. Abbio Chairperson (845) 781-0939 Herb Weinberger Vice Chairperson |
Member Assistance Program |
Herb Weinberger - (845) 928-2781 Chairperson, Heidi Scott Vice Chairperson |
Land Committee |
Dan Krauss Chairperson |
Maintenance Committee |
Rick Moore Chairperson |
Website |
Carl W. Abbio Chairperson (845) 781-0939 |