
Website Created By: Carl W. Abbio


Woodbury Field and Stream Club, Inc.


Text Box: Important NYS DEC Newsletter
Please use this link for an update on getting license and hunter safety courses.
Copy link above in your browser and go to the site for information

The club is open to members’ use, but extreme precautionary measures should be taken when doing so because of the virus.
Members are encouraged to watch this website for updates and cancellations as well as government limitations/
 If members have any concerns they can email the club.

If you left lost item call the Club and we will see that it is returned once identified.



The NYS DEC is proposing a 10 year plan affecting deer hunting.  Sportsmen are encouraged to obtain a copy of the Plan and read it because these are some of the proposals.   


· Big Game............reducing the age of hunters from 14 to 12.

· Allowing the use of crossbows the entire archery season.

· It is suggested that private landowners can get a tax break if they allow the public to hunt their land

· Voluntary............let small buck pass

· Use of non-lead bullets and replace them with copper

· Changing the legal hours of hunting to 1/2 hour prior to sunrise and 1/2 hour after sunset

· Deer management permits in portions of the Northern Zone which haven’t been offered to hunters in the past.

· Establishing deer management permits  in Mid-September in those areas where existing permits have not been adequate.

· Using fertility control methods to reduce the deer where hunting isn’t possible.

· Establishing a law prohibiting wanton waste of game animals.

· Remove the prohibition of big game hunting in certain parts of Albany, Erie, Herkimer and Hamilton counties.

· Pass regulation change to extend the late bow/muzzleloader season to January 1st.

· Sharing photos of buck, and big buck take.

Text Box: Changes to the membership Tier structure was approved this year by the board. Going forward these are the membership rankings:

Life Member (Formerly Senior) - 25 years of continuous membership in Good standing and over 62 years of age
Senior Member (New) - 15 years of continuous membership in Good standing and over 80 years of age
Resident Member (No Change) - Resident of Orange County New York
Non-Resident Member (No Change)-  Resides outside Orange County New York
Junior—Managed by the Junior club Between the ages of 12 and 18.

The membership Fee structure will remain the same and the New Senior Membership will be the same as the Life Membership ($35 per year).
Text Box:  
The Membership Renewal letters wIll mailed out on 02/20/2025. The remewal dues are due by April 30th 2025.



The Main Club Ranges are closed from November 13th 2024 through January 2nd 2025